
The new training kitchen AMS/ACS News update by Dave Marshall with photos by Phil Lay The snow is going, there’s warmth in the sun and the Aboyne and Mid Deeside Community Shed is looking forward to better days where we can complete fitting out and have some semblance of occupancy. That’s the plan, reality may be different, better we hope. Since the last news posting we have completed a new web site for the Community

Bridge installed and cycle rack built You, our readers will have seen the progress of the Community Shed over the past weeks. It is looking amazing and achieving the vision and intentions for a broad range of Community uses that we have sought so long to deliver. The quality of the work by AJC and the numerous contractors is first class and bodes well for the longevity of the building. Here are some of the

In case you haven’t read our status in the ‘Deeside Piper’ recently, here is our news: we have now received full funding for the kitchen units, allowing us to award that contract, and we hope to be able to complete the final fit of the Fire Alarm, CCTV and intruder alarm systems soon. The interior decoration is also progressing well. Later, not so far off now, we will advertise open periods where you can come

WE THANK YOUWe are building a new community facility- the first in the village for nearly 50 years – and it has been wonderful to know that you have been right behind us all the way, whether with encouraging words, cash, donations in kind, or gifts (of time and equipment) and loans. Nearly £30,000 has been donated in money alone, from small to larger sums. That’s simply amazing! It keeps us going, in more ways

The Shed Trustees are delighted to announce that they have been awarded a National Lottery award from The National Lottery Community Fund. The award was for £9657.00 towards the cost of the building works. This goes a long way to plug the remaining gap in the funding for the first phase of the build. Completing this first phase will enable us to gain occupation of the ground floor workshop. The second phase will complete the

The Community Shed building as it is after the site was shut down due to the coronavirus Well, we’re all in limbo for now, as all building sites in Scotland had to close down. Still, the shed trustees are still meeting once a week on Skype and are busy with the new Operations Group, planning for the time when we can get started again. Once the building site re-opens (whenever that will be!) we estimate