Opening hours

The Aboyne & Mid-Deeside Community Shed – view in July 2020 – scaffolding taken down
Question – Is there a room which can be secured for meetings – ie. can we stop people walking in uninvited?
Answer – Yes, the Craft Room will have a bathroom type lock on the door which can be locked from the inside. For safety reasons this door can be unlocked from the outside using a flat head screwdriver to ensure we can enter the room in an emergency.
Question – Is there car parking at the Shed?
Answer – Yes there is car parking at the Graveyard which is only a very short walk to the Shed. Parking at the Shed is limited and reserved for disabled or specific short-term use
Question – Is there disabled parking at the Shed?
Answer – Yes there is parking for disabled cars both at the upper level and lower level, however the access gate between the graveyard car park and the Shed will require to be unlocked for cars to access the disabled car parking at the shed – prior notice will be required to ensure this gate is unlocked.
Question – Is there disabled access to the Shed?
Answer – Yes there is wheelchair access to BOTH the lower Workshop and the Upper Social, Craft and Kitchen areas.
Question – Is there a discount for charities utilising the Shed?
Answer – No, there is no discount for charities utilising the Shed since the Trustees are keeping costs as low as possible for ALL users.
Note – The Shed is a Not for Profit facility for all.
Question – Can we come and visit the Shed to determine whether the space is suitable for our group / organisation?
Answer – Yes, feel free to contact us and we will set up a suitable time for you to come and visit.
Question – Is it possible for my group / organisation to leave equipment in storage at the Shed?
Answer – Subject to prior approval there is LIMITED space available to leave equipment at the Shed, however this is not secure and the Trustees will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage for any equipment left at the Shed.
Question – When will the Shed be open for Social Visits?
Answer – This will be confirmed as soon as possible and will be shared on our website and facebook. Social use is for groups, not individuals.
Question – What space is available for my group to use?
Answer – We have the
- Workshop on the lower level for wood & metal work etc – 18m x 10m c/w unisex toilet
- Social Room on the Upper level which is approx. 12m x 6m
- Craft Room on the Upper level which is approx. 7.5m x 6m
- Kitchen on the Upper level
- Office on the Upper level
- Unisex toilet on Upper level
- Disabled toilet on Upper level
Question – What’s the connection between the Aboyne Men’s Shed and the Community Shed.
Answer – The Aboyne Men’s Shed is a Registered Charity: It owns the building. The Trustees of the AMS raised the funds for it and manage the project. The Shed was specifically built to be of benefit to the community and is being operated specifically along those lines. Accordingly, the building is known as the Aboyne and Mid Deeside Community Shed
Question – So who will run The Shed?
Answer – Hopefully a good cross section of the community it’s built to serve. That is what the organising committee are working hard to achieve. An interim Aboyne Community Shed Operating Committee has been formed. This will develop and will eventually represent the Shed user groups.
Question – Do you have to be a member of the AMS to use the workshop?
Answer – No. AMS (Aboyne Men Shed) is just one of what will be several mixed use user groups and all will be members of the Community Shed. However, due to the inherent risks with large wood and metal working machines, groups will be required to work under strict safety procedures and supervision. Training may be required.
Question – What more could be done to engage the local community?
Answer – This is very important and over the years a great deal has been done. Regrettably the public events we used to hold are not currently possible due to COVID restrictions. When these restrictions ease, we intend holding welcome invitations so that small groups can come and take a look, meet the team and ask questions.
Some of the Trustees are locally born and bred. Most have lived here for decades and brought up our families here. We work hard to keep the community informed and engaged and up to speed with our progress. We are speaking to a wide range of community groups who are potential users of the facility. You can keep up to speed with what is happening through our FB page and website. Go and have a look!