Another successful repair to a park bench by the men’s shed which was delivered to the owner on Tuesday Afternoon
The protective fence for the septic tank was finished on Thursday by the addition of the reflective warning tape. The fence was erected by Alan with the assistance of Mick and Derek. This was erected because the boulders around the tank have been hit accidently by cars in the dark previously as they are out of sight, being lower the the back of a vehicle.
Ken carrying out a spot of woodturning for his personal project
Andrew creating a planter box
sorting out things
Fellow Shedders, For your information, the workshop will be taking a break over the holiday period with Thursday, 21 December being the last session in 2023 and Thursday, 4 January the first session of 2024.As we approach the holiday season let me take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during the year and to wish you and yours a peaceful Christmas and joyful New Year. With current events in the world this