Aboyne & District Men’s Shed are planning a CAROL SING at the new Community Shed on Sunday 19th December at 3.30pm. The format will be:-
- A small choir will lead 30 minutes of carols, a cappella
- Venue will be at the Community Shed, standing outside.
- The invitation is to anybody and everybody, to stand and listen, joining in singing if you want to
- Anyone who is a choir singer and wants to join our carol choir, you are very, very welcome!
- Volunteers from the Men’s Shed will provide hot soup, after the carols, in the Shed, but if numbers are too large, people will be asked to file through the Shed kitchen and back outside
- IMPORTANT – please bring a torch, dress warmly, and bring a mug if you want soup (and something to take the mug away in afterwards!)
If you are NOT wanting to join the choir, just turn up on the day and we will give you a sheet with the carols’ words on. We hope you will join in!
If you WOULD like to join the choir, please email info@aboynemensshed.org.uk well in advance so we can organise music with you.
One last request – we don’t want too much traffic in/out of the Cemetery Car Park, so, please, only bring a car if really needed, and if you really do have to bring one, reverse park up against the cemetery wall.