AGm minutes 27/02/23

Aboyne and District Mens Shed (Aboyne and Mid-Deeside Community Shed)

Annual General Meeting Minutes – 27th February 2023 13:30

Attendees: Mike Brooks, Phil Lay, Stuart Robertson, Rab Birnie, John Stodter, John Clement, Gordon McLaren, Ken Maclean, Brian Paterson, Alan Thomas, Colin Paterson, Roger Ramshaw, Malcolm Laing, Kenneth Mackay, William McAbe, Stuart Marshall, Gordon Robertson, Andy Laing, Peter Cook, Chris Nurcombe, Alan Fyfe, Ian Paterson.

Mike Brooks, Chairman, welcomed and thanked everyone for coming.

Mike Brooks summarised the Chairmans Report which had been circulated to all members.  He then opened to the floor for any questions on the report, to which there were none.

Phil Lay, Treasurer, went through the accounts, which had been circulated to all members.  He then opened to the floor for any questions.  One question was raised with regard to the cost of cleaning the gutters at the Shed.

The meeting was then handed over to John Clement to officiate the election/re-election of office bearers and Trustees as per the constitution.  He explained that Trustees who had served for three years had to stand for re-election.  Any Trustees who have been appointed but not faced an AGM required to stand down, and be re-elected. All Office Bearers would face re-election at the AGM. Details of re-elections and elections detailed below.

Election of Trustees and Office Bearers

TrusteeMike BrooksRe-electionMike BrooksJohn StodterGordon McLaren
TrusteePhil LayRe-electionPhil LayRab BirnieKen Maclean
TrusteeDave MarshallRe-electionDave MarshallPhil LayJohn Stodter
TrusteeJohn StodterRe-electionJohn StodterPhil LayGordon McLaren
TrusteeGordon McLarenRe-electionGordon McLarenRab BirniePhil Lay
TrusteeBrian PatersonRe-electionBrian PatersonKen MacleanRab Birnie
TrusteeKenny PatersonRe-electionKenny PatersonRab BirnieGordon McLaren
TrusteeKen MacleanStanding downRoger RamshawMike BrooksJohn Stodter
TrusteeStuart RobertsonStanding downAlan ThomasGordon McLarenJohn Clement
TrusteeVacantVacancyColin PatersonJohn ClementGordon McLaren
ChairmanMike BrooksStanding downRoger RamshawMike BrooksJohn Stodter
Vice ChairmanStuart RobertsonStanding downJohn StodterPhil LayGordon McLaren
TreasurerPhil LayRe-electionPhil LayRab BirnieKen Maclean
SecretaryRab BirnieRe-electionRab BirnieJohn ClementMike Brooks

There were no additional nominations, and all elections/re-elections were carried with no challenges.

Rab Birnie, Secretary, then read out the vote of thanks, thanking those standing down for their work and commitment to the project, and welcoming the new Office Bearers and Trustees.

The meeting was then handed over to the new Chairman, Roger Ramshaw, to chair, who closed the meeting with a few words and thanked everyone for coming.